Monday, April 6, 2009

Honey Baked Ham Stores

Hello Dear Honey Baked Ham Fans, Honey Baked Ham is one of the best places to eat ham or turkey. They make for the perfect Easter dinner too. If you are looking for a Honey Baked Ham I would recommend going to the companies website listed above.

Today we found many printable coupons. These coupons are valid at Honey Baked Ham Retail stores at selected states thats why pls read the coupons carefully.You must show the coupons to the cashier when shopping for Honey Baked Hams.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pandiculation ?

Pandiculation: The act of stretching and yawning. (If you are in a public place, you might consider demonstrating the versatility of your vocabulary by saying: "Sorry, but I feel the need to pandiculate.").


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Salvia Plant

Many people have been asking what the plant salvia is and why its being searched for so much. Here is a little background about salvia plans from a site I found:

Salvia Divinorum is a small leafy green plant found primarily in the Mazateca region of Mexico. Sometimes called 'diviner's sage' the plant was traditionally used by indigenous peoples as a healing and divinatory aid due to its unique properties when chewed or smoked. When consumed in this manner, the active ingredient, Salvinorin-A produces psychedelic effects in the body ranging from mild to extreme.

Salvia Divinorum was first discovered in the late 1930's by a group of anthropologists studying medicinal and magical cures in Mexico. During their time in the Mazateca region they observed and cataloged many magical plants and remedies, bringing several back to the States to study. Among their discoveries were the use of morning glory seed, several varieties of mushroom and black nightshade.

The plant was rediscovered in the early 1990's by the global underground psychedelic culture and has seen some use and (in)fame(y) in recent years.
