Thursday, March 26, 2009

White House Easter Egg Roll 2009

Parents have been given an extroardinary opportunity that was previously unavailable under the Bush administration: obtaining Easter Egg Roll tickets online. Parents of years past have been forced to line up outside downtown to secure tickets, limiting attendance to local families able to miss work. The new ticketing policy forces new questions to arise: will tickets be scalped for high prices? Will out of towners get tickets but fail to show? And that's where I come in, townies and tourists! Tickets are on sale today (probably right now—the time was undisclosed at press time) and I want you to know how easy it is get get to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.But before we continue I need you to understand one thing. You. Can. Not. Drive. to the White. House. Though our new President's administration is savvy to new media, the security-based policies yore remain: you can not drive to the front door, or in this case, the South Lawn, of the White House. Not even on April 13, 2009 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Here are some tips:

Take Metro

Allow at least one hour to get there

Account for little legs, and later, tired legs, on the pedestrian leg of your journey

The nearest Smart Bike station is Metro Center
