Thursday, June 11, 2009

72 year old woman gets tasered

Woman Has Sued Officer
A 72-year-old great-grandmother was tasered by a cop. That's right a 72-year-old grandmother was tasered by a cop. You really don't expect me to stay neutral on this story do you? "Cop" is not what the guy deserves to be called.

Tommie Sandlin has posted an article on titled "Good Morning America: 72 year old great grandmother

The story comes down like this:

A 72-year-old grandmother was driving her car in a "work zone." She admits herself she was going 60 mph in a 45 mph speed zone. A large law reduction officer wrote the lady a ticket; she refused to sign it. Officer Bozo playfully jerked the extremely small women around in no way attempting to arrest her. These "touches" were shoves and anyone watching the video can see he had lost his temper. You see he simply couldn't deal with it.

The woman refused to sign the ticket so the cop told her she was under arrest and he was going to have to taser her. He did after she agreed to sign the ticket but he was insulted she swore at him so he put a few hundred volts through her body.

He had the audacity to say later he felt threatened.

This man needs to be removed from his job and then he needs to be prosecuted for the criminal he is.

I do a lot of medical writing. Does anyone have any idea what that type of shock could do to a woman that old?

I have linked to the video. As you study the video note how heavy the officer is compared to the woman. Look how tall he is compared to the grandmother. Look how he puts his hands on her without any purpose other than to shove her; no attempt is being made to arrest her.

Look how he stands over her and whines as she is on the ground screaming.

There is only one explanation and it backs up the issue I have been preaching on for years. If a person is going to be a cop he or she has to have a very even personality and most importantly an I.Q. over 1.7; this cop has neither.

The great-grandmother has obtained an attorney. While I am not a fan of attorneys who use high profile drama to get cases, this is one time I hope the attorney gets famous and rich for what he able to get done to this "man."

to learn more about 72 year old woman gets tasered, look here: