Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transformers 2 Review

Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen opens just after midnight tonight in regular theaters and IMAX, but it screened too late Monday for us to get our review in today’s paper.

Here is what some top critics think about the new transformers movie:

•London’s Daily Mirror: “Pure mindless adventure mayhem that sticks firm and hard to its winning formula.”

•Hollywood Reporter: “Shia LaBeouf gets little chance to show what charm he might have. Meanwhile, Megan Fox has little to do except look great in a tank top and tight jeans while running in slow motion through flying sand.”

•Variety: “The sheer amount of ripping steel, exploding mechanical parts and mutating vehicles of all shapes and sizes is something to behold. Industrial Light & Magic’s superb handling of these sequences, which are like a little boy’s playtime fantasy taken to Wagnerian proportions, are the veritable centerpieces of a narrative that makes little effort to set up the fights.”